Gorgeous bouquet of stunning roses (50 or 75).

Elevate any occasion with the beauty and luxury of a bouquet of 75 and 50 roses, skillfully arranged by the professionals at Cherry Blossom flower shop. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant color, velvety texture, and intoxicating fragrance, creating a stunning composition that exudes elegance and sophistication. Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply want to express your love and admiration, this bouquet is the perfect way to make a lasting impression. Trust the experts at Cherry Blossom to create a breathtaking arrangement that will leave a lasting impression.

Comes with clear vase.


NO. 29. Gorgeous Bouquet Of 50 and 75 Roses

Regular price $159.00
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Gorgeous bouquet of stunning roses (50 or 75).

Elevate any occasion with the beauty and luxury of a bouquet of 75 and 50 roses, skillfully arranged by the professionals at Cherry Blossom flower shop. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant color, velvety texture, and intoxicating fragrance, creating a stunning composition that exudes elegance and sophistication. Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply want to express your love and admiration, this bouquet is the perfect way to make a lasting impression. Trust the experts at Cherry Blossom to create a breathtaking arrangement that will leave a lasting impression.

Comes with clear vase.