Extraordinary bouquet of fresh blue roses painted with special paint. 

Indulge in the enchanting beauty of blue roses with a stunning bouquet from our site. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant blue hue and velvety texture, creating a breathtaking composition that exudes elegance and sophistication. Perfect for adding a unique touch to any occasion or as a thoughtful gift, our blue rose bouquet is sure to delight and inspire. Our flower box is an ideal present for Mother's day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other celebration.  Order now and experience the beauty of these stunning blooms.


NO. 37. Blue Roses Sapphire Bouquet

Regular price $129.00
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Extraordinary bouquet of fresh blue roses painted with special paint. 

Indulge in the enchanting beauty of blue roses with a stunning bouquet from our site. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant blue hue and velvety texture, creating a breathtaking composition that exudes elegance and sophistication. Perfect for adding a unique touch to any occasion or as a thoughtful gift, our blue rose bouquet is sure to delight and inspire. Our flower box is an ideal present for Mother's day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other celebration.  Order now and experience the beauty of these stunning blooms.