A romantic mix of premium pink, blush, and deep red roses with soft white accents

Complemented by carnations and seasonal greenery for added texture and depth

Arranged in an elegant pink hatbox for a modern, chic presentation

Perfect for anniversaries, weddings, Valentine’s Day, or any romantic occasion

Handcrafted with care to ensure freshness and long-lasting beauty

A luxurious centerpiece or a thoughtful gift that makes a lasting impression

On photo size Grand*.

* A luxurious statement piece, perfect for celebrations and events. This mid-size box brings abundance and grace into any setting.


NO. 151. Sweet Rose Box

Regular price $127.00
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A romantic mix of premium pink, blush, and deep red roses with soft white accents

Complemented by carnations and seasonal greenery for added texture and depth

Arranged in an elegant pink hatbox for a modern, chic presentation

Perfect for anniversaries, weddings, Valentine’s Day, or any romantic occasion

Handcrafted with care to ensure freshness and long-lasting beauty

A luxurious centerpiece or a thoughtful gift that makes a lasting impression

On photo size Grand*.

* A luxurious statement piece, perfect for celebrations and events. This mid-size box brings abundance and grace into any setting.